Gregory Watt
Kansas City Criminal Defense Lawyer“Very few defense lawyers have had the privilege of working in law enforcement; I’m thrilled I get to use that experience to assist my clients.”Gregory Watt
Gregory Watt received his B.F.A. from Emporia State, M.A. from Kansas State, and J.D. from The University of Tulsa College of Law. Gregory began his career working as the associate director for governmental relations at Emporia State University. He left Emporia to accept a teaching position at Kansas State where he taught for two years.
At the University of Tulsa College of Law, Gregory served as an editor of the Tulsa Journal of International Law. Also during this time he was hired by the Tulsa County District Attorney’s Office and worked under the guidance of District Attorney, Tim Harris.

After leaving Tulsa, Gregory was hired by the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office where he spent the next five years putting some of the most dangerous criminals in Kansas City behind bars. It was at the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office where Gregory was given the finest training available by some of the most gifted trial lawyers in Kansas City. Over the years he has also continued his work in the classroom, teaching for Metropolitan Community College, as well as UMKC.
Expertise.com has rated Gregory Watt as one of the top criminal defense lawyers in the Kansas City area because like any good fighter — he only trains with the best. He holds advanced credentials in:
- DNA Analysis;
- Drug Recognition Expert Protocol;
- Standard Field Sobriety Testing;
- Standard Field Sobriety Instructor;
- Gas and Liquid Chromatography;
- DUI(D) Analysis;
- Forensic Drug Analysis and the use of FTIR technology;
- Advanced Roadside Impairment Driver Enforcement Protocol;
- Breath Testing; and,
- Advanced Trial Techniques.

Gregory has been recognized by both Super Lawyers Magazine and The Kansas City Business Journal for his excellence in criminal defense; he is routinely asked by the local bar association to teach new lawyers proper courtroom fundamentals; he is a 2017 graduate of the National Criminal Defense College; a 2019 graduate of the National Trial Advocacy College; and, he is a lifetime member of the Missouri Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
Most recently, Gregory earned the title "ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer-Scientist" by the American Chemical Society for his expertise in using science in the courtroom. There are less than one hundred lawyers in the world with this designation.
He is routinely interviewed by the local news concerning his opinion on criminal law and he has been published by the Missouri Bar Journal, as well. Perhaps the biggest honor, though, is that the fraternal order of police in Colorado, Missouri, and Kansas have called upon Gregory to represent police officers charged with crimes.
In summary, there are a lot of lawyers in Kansas City, but none with the breadth of training -- and therefore, breadth of skill -- Gregory Watt brings to your defense. Please Contact The Watt Law Firm if you need to speak with a Kansas City criminal defense lawyer.
Location: 700 Broadway Boulevard, Kansas City, MO 64105
Phone: (913) 433-3849
Email: gwatt@kcmetrodefense.com